NAMAC Mongolia Date : 2016-09-01 Views : 8118

The following two articles were generously provided by Ms. Byambatseren of NAMAC’s International Cooperation team. We are very grateful for her hard work and help.
The National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives is a self-funded, non-governmental organization devoted to creating sustainable and prosperous rural development by strengthening the agricultural cooperatives through the training and support. NAMAC’s mission is to realize a more sustainable and prosperous Mongolia by uplifting agriculture through members by promoting a favorable environment for cooperative development. The precursor of NAMAC was founded in 1967 as the Supreme Council of Agricultural Cooperatives, and re-organized by its first General Assembly in January 1992. As of 2016, NAMAC has 22 branch offices in 21 provinces and the capital city, and 630 primary and 10 secondary member cooperatives, which serve a total of 150,000 individual members. NAMAC represents its members at the national and international levels, protects their common interests and rights, focuses on capacity building of cooperatives, human resource development and self-cultivated members. In October 2014, the Blueprint of NAMAC was approved at its 7th General Assembly. This is the key document for promoting cooperative movement in Mongolia, which is based on ICA’s Blueprint. It has 6 priority strategies as follows:
➢ Enhancing members’ participation
➢ Providing sustainable activities of cooperatives
➢ Securing cooperative Identity
➢ Improving cooperative legal framework
➢ Increasing cooperative asset and financial capacity
➢ Expanding the partnership between State and Cooperative organizations
The “NAMAC Development” LLC was established in June 2011 for the purpose of focusing on capacity building of human resources in the cooperative sector and to help self-cultivation of our cooperatives’ members. Since its establishment, the NAMAC Development LLC has been organizing certain types of training courses including training for cooperative leaders and managers, training for cooperative accounting, training for heads of provincial association of agricultural cooperatives, training for young cooperators, training of technological studies and combined training of Computer and English, etc.
The “NAMAC Coop” LLC was established in September 2010, in order to provide the necessary machinery and the latest equipment for the members, and to support their manufactured products and sales networks, as well as to focus on proceeding of brand new products from cooperatives and its marketing.
International Cooperation
NAMAC maintains relationships with cooperative organizations across the world. NAMAC has been a member of The International Cooperative Agricultural Organization (ICAO) since 1998, a member of The East Asian Agricultural Organization Council (EAOC) since 1997 and the first member of ICA from Mongolia. Also, in 2013 NAMAC became a member of Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA). In recent years, NAMAC has established fruitful cooperation with a number of international organizations, namely, EU, JICA, ADB, GTZ, TACIS, ADRA, Mercy Corps, Czech PIN, Caritas Mongolia, Global Communities and the International Fund for Agriculture Development.
NAMAC actively partners with national agencies, international humanity organizations, research institutions, and other organizations in the implementation of projects. Additionally, NAMAC acts as a conduit through which pertinent information is disseminated amongst project partners.