International Day of Cooperatives - Poland Date : 2015-07-22 Views : 5676

International Day of Cooperatives - Poland
Contributed by Mr. Adam Piechowski, the Director of the Cooperative Research Institute at the National Cooperative Council (NCC)
The National Cooperative Council had a national celebration of the International Cooperatives Day 2015 in Warsaw. It was held on 24th of June in "Galeria Porczynskich" paintings museum, in a very nice historical building in the center of Warsaw.There were about 300 participants: cooperators, politicians, representatives of civic organizations, etc. After the speeches by the President of the Board of NCC, Mr. Alfred Domagalski, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Mr. Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, and several politicians, everyone enjoyed an artistic performance at the museum. The cooperatives and cooperators - winners of the annual contests for best cooperatives, cooperative managers, etc. - were awarded with special prizes founded by NCC. Other prizes were awarded to the authors of best research works concerning cooperatives, among them MA and PhD graduates whose theses concerned cooperatives. The celebration was concluded by a buffet lunch for all participants. prepared by one of the farmers' cooperatives.